I have lived and worked installing security screens on the Sunshine Coast since 1996 and one of the first things you notice living here is how hard the environment is on our homes. Most people living on the Sunshine Coast, especially those of use living close to the beach, know the importance of choosing products for our homes that can stand up to the high amounts of salinity in the air. Salt air can damage metal products, especially steel, in a very short amount of time. This means that most of us know to choose stainless steel for higher corrosion resistance.

This is even more important when it comes to choosing stainless steel security doors and security screens for our homes. Stainless steel security has become very popular in the past 20 years. It allows us to secure our homes whilst not interferring with our views or need to have unsightly bars or grilles on the windows and doors. One of the drawbacks of stainless steel security doors and security screens is that they are made from an aluminium frame and a stainless steel mesh. Most of us know that when when 2 dissimilar metals touch, especially in areas of high salinity, that the metals will corrode quickly. This means that the 2 metals need to be isolated from each other to stop corrosion from occurring.

Another important point when choosing stainless steel security doors and security screens is the grade of stainless steel that they are manufactured with. There are two main grades of stainless steel used in security products on the Sushine Coast. The first is industrial grade 304 stainless steel. Industrial grade stainless steel was the original grade of mesh used for security doors and security screens when they were first introduced. It quickly became apparent that this type of mesh is unsuitable in areas of high air salinity. Many of the original security products using this mesh rusted very quickly and an alternative to this mesh was quickly sought after. This lead to the introduction of 316 marine grade stainless steel.

The introduction of 316 marine grade stainless steel has given manufacturers and consumers more confidence in the longevity of security products. 316 marine grade stainless steel is better suited to areas like the Sunshine Coast especially when the 2 dissimilar metals, aluminium and stainless steel, are fully isolated. This has allowed the manufactusers of theses systems to give warranties of up to 11 years.

Although most stainless steel security door and security screen systems now use 316 marine grade stainless steel in there products, there is still one product on the market using 304 industrial grade stainless steel. Incredibly it is one of the largest manufacturers of home security products in Australia and it has become the name that everyone knows stainless steel security by. The simple fact is that 304 stainless steel is unsuitable for areas of high air salinity and should be avoided at all costs. I have seen products using 304 stainless steel rust so badly that they need to be replaced in as little as 2 years.

Purchasing stainless steel security screens and doors for your home is a large investment and one that you should full confidence in. Here at Screens Plus we only use products that are manufactured with 316 marine grade stainless steel including Secureview. Secureview is manufactured with marine grade stainless steel mesh and the mesh is fully isolated from aluminium frame giving the highest level of corrosion resistance. This means that Secureview can offer an 11 year warranty on stainless steel security products.

To see our full range of Secureview products contact John From Screens Plus today.